All content and information contained on this website is provided by us, GEOINC LLC registered in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and is designed for information purposes only.
The information included does not constitute any commercial, legal, or professional advice.
While we ensure every information to be updated and accurate, we give no guarantees or warranties in this regard. We will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided, or for any possible damage, direct or indirect, due to reliance on the use of said information. Any inaccuracies or errors brought to our attention will be resolved as soon as possible.
There might be technical errors and inaccuracies in the information provided by the website. While we try to update the content on a regular basis whenever possible, we hold no responsibility for keeping the information updated at all times or be held liable for failure to do so.
Information at our website may contain links that point to external websites. Please take note that those sites are beyond our jurisdiction, and as such, we can’t exert control over the content they decide to publish. These external links are provided for convenience only. We hold no responsibility for any practice or policy implemented by these third-party websites.