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14b Petre Kavtaradze St

0186, Tbilisi, Georgia

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Monday to Saturday

Customs Brokerage

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customs service

Customs Brokerage

Customs brokerage is an essential part of the shipping process. It permits the entry or leaves of goods into or out of the country. The purpose of customs brokerage is to ensure that all applicable import duties and taxes are paid. Also, the goods imported or exported comply with all relevant regulations. It can be complicated and time-consuming, mainly if you are unfamiliar with the regulations and procedures.

There is a separate Law On Customs in Georgia that regulates the procedures for the entry and exit of goods in Georgia. Additional barriers have been established according to the recent legislative changes in Georgia. Many goods require special registrations and obtaining permits before they can be imported. One of the most important things to do is to become familiar with international trade laws. The mentioned international laws apply to the goods you are importing or exporting in Georgia as well. These laws constantly change, so staying up-to-date on the latest requirements is essential. In addition, you need to know what Incoterm the buyer and seller have agreed on. In addition to the above, in order to clear the goods at customs on time and avoid additional costs and fines there are many important details and procedures that need to be known.

Whether you import or export goods, we have professional customs specialists to clear your shipments on Schedule regardless of volume, scope, or scale. our experienced brokerage specialists can efficiently handle all phases of the customs brokerage process, comprehensively consult with you, and take responsibility for routine customs formalities, import-export operations, and interactions with regulators, state control, and security authorities. We can also help you arrange the entire logistics cycle and transportation of goods both within and outside the country.

Customs brokerage services we do include but are not limited to the following:

  • Representation with customs authorities;
  • Submiting the necessary documentation to the customs authorities on your behalf;
  • Determining, assistance in preparing and submitting the necessary documents for customs clearance;
  • Waiting and inspecting goods at customs and attending all customs procedures in Georgia;
  • Checking all customs related documents including invoices and transportation documents;
  • Providing information about the customs duties/taxes to be paid for customs clearance of the goods;
  • Payment of calculated customs duties and other governmental charges on your behalf;
  • Assistance in transportation of goods and logistic matters.

Ensure smooth transit of your shipments!